Early Childhood Science Curriculum Mastery® Flip Charts provide comprehensive coverage of key standards-basedconcepts in an illustrated format that is visually appealing, engaging and easy to use. Curriculum Mastery® FlipCharts can be used with the entire classroom, with small groups or by students working independently.Each Curriculum Mastery® Flip Chart Set features• 10 double-sided laminated charts that introduce an early childhood science concept on one side and write-on/wipe off activities on the reverse side for student use or for small group instruction• Built-in sturdy free-standing easel for easy display• Spiral bound for ease of use• Activity Guide with blackline masters of the charts for students to use in centers or independentlyIdeal for• In class instruction for interactive presentations and demonstrations• Hands-on student use• Teaching resource to supplement any program• Learning Centers• Stand alone reference for review of key science conceptsHOW TO USEClassroom UseEach Curriculum Mastery® Flip Chart can be used to graphically introduce or review a topic of interest. Side 1 of eachflip chart provides graphical representation of key concepts in aconcise, age appropriate reading level for instructing students.The reverse Side 2 of each flip chart allows teachers andstudents to fill in the answers and practice key concepts.Note: Be sure to use an appropriate dry-erase marker and to test it on a small section of the chart prior to using it.The Activity Guide included provides a blackline master for eachflip chart which students can use to fill in during, or afterinstruction. Several learning extension activities are provided foreach page of the flip chart.While the activities in the guide can be used in conjunction withthe flip chart, they can also be used individually for review or as aform of assessment or in combination with other relatedclassroom activities.Learning CentersEach flip chart provides students with a quick illustrated view ofage-appropriate curriculum concepts. Students may use theseflip charts in small group settings along with the correspondingactivity pages contained in the guide to learn or reviewconcepts already covered in class. Students may also usethese charts as reference while playing the NewPath’s Curriculum Mastery® Games.Independent Student UseStudents can use the hands-on flip charts to practice and learnindependently by first studying Side 1 of the chart and thenusing Side 2 of the chart or the corresponding graphicalactivities contained in the guide to fill in the answers andassess their understanding.Reference/Teaching ResourceCurriculum Mastery® Flip Charts are a great visual supplementto any curriculum or they can be used in conjunction with NewPath’s Curriculum Mastery® Games.Chart # 1: Chart # 2:Chart # 3:Chart # 4:Chart # 5:Chart # 6:Chart # 7:Chart # 8:Chart # 9:Chart #10:Los seres vivos (Living Things)Las cosas no vivas (Non-living Things)Las partes de las plantas (Parts of Plants)Lo que necesitan las plantas (What Plants Need)Cómo crecen las plantas (How Plants Grow)Las plantas que usamos (Plants We Use)Las plantas que nos rodean (Plants Around Us)Las partes de una semilla (Parts of a Seed)Cómo trasladan las semillas (How Seeds Travel)Las partes de las plantas que nosotros comemos (Plants Parts We Eat)Phone: 800-507-0966 • Fax: 800-507-0967www.newpathlearning.comNewPath Learning® products are developed by teachers using research-based principles and are classroom tested. The company’s productline consists of an array of proprietary curriculum review games, workbooks, charts, posters, visual learning guides, interactive whiteboardsoftware and other teaching resources. All products are supplemented with web-based activities, assessments and content to provide anengaging means of educating students on key, curriculum-based topics correlated to applicable state and national education standards.Copyright © 2014 NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Curriculum Mastery® and NewPath Learning® are registered trademarks of NewPath Learning LLC. Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood Science Curriculum Mastery® Flip Charts developed by content expert Kathleen Evans, illustrated by Margaret Pence.
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